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Page last updated on : 15/08/2022 - 11:18 am

Al Shamsi: “Commemoration Day” is A day of pride where the values of bravery and redemption prevail


HE Ali Mohammed Al Shamsi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of “ICA” has confirmed that Commemoration Day is considered a day of pride for UAE citizens, which recognizes the values of bravery and sacrifice. They honoring, in this day, the martyrs who took great pains defending the sovereignty of the Nation, and reminding themselves of those who sacrificed their lives to maintain the security of the Nation and the safety of its People.

He said that every citizen and resident in UAE as well as its lovers are feeling gratitude towards the courageous symbols of Nobility who have accepted with sincere what they have pledged to Allah, and have sacrificed themselves in for the sake of the nation. They wrote a great history with their noble blood and inscribed their bravery in the heart of everyone. Their Memory will remain a source of the bride and a role model for the generations to derive the meaning of loyalty, sacrifice, and giving and to keep the UAE flag flying high.

He added that celebrating Commemoration Day embodies the best examples of unity and support amongst the sons of UAE, and their support to the wise leadership in recognition of their extraordinary efforts to protect its stability and immunity; besides their accomplishments aiming at maintaining its superiority and ensuring the future of its generation. Such generation will inspire from the martyrs, who truly deserved recognition and honor, the lessons of loyalty, devotion, idolatry, and the role model that trigger their minds and powers.

He expressed his deep gratitude and recognition to the martyrs’ families who sacrificed their own beloved sons for the sake of land and dignity, confirming that we owe to Allah the martyrs’ blood and that their sacrifices will be our badge of honor. He prayed Allah to bless their souls with His limitless Mercy, and to award them the highest levels of Jannah, and to bless their families and relatives with the best rewards for their strength, steadfastness, and true citizenship.

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