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Page last updated on : 06/09/2020 - 2:57 pm

Al Khaili Conveys his Deepest Condolences to Colonel Hamad Hassan Alzaabi over the Death of his Son


H.E. Brigadier General Suhail Jumaa Al Khaili, Acting Director-General of the General Directorate of Nationality, accompanied with Brigadier General Khalifa Al Qubba Al Humairi, Executive Director of the Personal Status and Passports Department, and a number of officers, conveyed their deepest condolences to Colonel Hamad Hassan Al Sheikh Al Zaabi, Adviser of the General Directorate of Nationality, over the death of his late son.

During his visit to the funeral Majlis in Al Manhal, Abu Dhabi, H.E. Al Khaili conveyed his profound condolences and sympathy to the family of the deceased and asked Allah to have mercy upon him, rest his soul in peace and grant his family patience and solace

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