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Page last updated on : 06/11/2021 - 8:56 am

Al Baraha PMC staff members launch Winter Clothing initiative

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The staff members of Al Baraha Customer Service Center at the Preventive Medicine Center held a humanitarian initiative under the title of Winter Clothing to reduce the impact of lower temperatures on security and cleaning personnel of the center and the workers at the nearby workshops.

This initiative reflects that the Emirates ID Authority is keen to take part in humanitarian events that serve all segments of the society and seeks to consolidate the spirit of participation, effective social responsibility and the notion of the humanitarian work among its employees.

Supervised by Ahmed Al Marzouqi, Center Supervisor and Nahlaa Mohammed, a center employee, the initiative aims to confirm the recognition of this segment of the society and ease the conditions that may affect them. The workers covered by the initiative expressed their pleasure with this nice gesture that brought happiness to their hearts.

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