Al Ain Center Organizes a Training Workshop on the “Fingerprint” for its Employees

Sunday 6 November 2016

Al Ain Customer Service Center organized a workshop for its staff on the “fingerprint quality” and the mechanisms to capture fingerprints.

The workshop, supervised by the two fingerprint experts at the Emirates ID Authority, Mohammed Al Harthy and Ali Al Saadi, aimed at training the personnel to capture fingerprints, and introducing them to all kinds and forms of fingerprints.
The participants were briefed about the fingerprint, its importance from the security and civil aspects, the electronic applications and mechanisms adopted to capture fingerprints, and the role of the quality of the fingerprint and capturing the same in accordance with the best levels and within the highest quality standards, in enhancing the ability to identify individuals and verify their identities accurately.

The participants also received hands-on training by the competent team of the Emirates ID Authority on capturing fingerprints, and were briefed on the latest technical systems and devices used in the field, in addition to the common mistakes in the capture process.