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Page last updated on : 16/10/2020 - 11:54 am

Al Ain Center Holds a Lecture titled “Safety of Spine”


ICA’s Customer Happiness Center in Al Ain organized a health initiative titled “Safety of Spine” aimed at raising the awareness of employees on the procedures to be followed to maintain the safety of the spine and avoid practices that may cause any damage or injury.

The initiative, organized by the Center in collaboration with the Specialized Medical Care Hospital, included a lecture given by Dr. Sardar Ismail, a hospital Orthopedic Specialist, and presented tips on how to maintain the safety of the spine, including avoiding sitting for a long time and the need to move during working hours and sitting in a straight position to avoid neck pain and spine problems.

The lecturer gave presentations on some exercises that help to maintain a healthy body and avoid disc injuries and Spinal disc herniation.

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