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Page last updated on : 09/08/2022 - 4:18 pm

Ajman GDRFA Director: Innovation Month embodies UAE 2071 Vision

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Monday 11 February 2019

HE Brigadier Mohammed Abd Allah Olwan, Executive Director of the General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Ajman, assured that the Innovation Month embodies a UAE 2071 Vision, which represented in contributing to the future shaping and achieving world leadership for the State throughout various aspects of life.

HE said, during examining the ICA’s stand participating in the events of UAE Innovation Month, which are held in Marsa Ajman this year, that the Innovation Month is an opportunity to demonstrate the role of efficient human resources, and the ideal work environment sufficient for creating the culture of innovation and rooting it in the corporate work environment.

Brigadier Olwan, accompanied by a number of the Directorate’s officers, viewed the innovations displayed by the participating entities in the events, which contribute to learning the society about the State’s leading experience in the field of innovation.

He drew the attention to the importance of introducing the services provided by ICA, which embodies the concept of innovation in terms of the completion of the smart transition system which saves time, effort, and cost for the customers and achieve leadership and happiness in this field.

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