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Page last updated on : 16/10/2020 - 11:54 am

“Ajman DED” adopts ID Card in transactions


Ajman Department of Economic Development announced the adoption of ID cards issued by the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship and applying it gradually in the transactions in all its service centers for purposes of updating the customers’ data and ensuring the utmost levels of accuracy in providing a proper database.

Saud Sultan Al Shammari, Director of Economic Registration and Licensing in the Department, said, in news published in today’s newspapers, that the decision of mandatory application of the ID card of investors in all the DED customer happiness centers is driven by its concern to update the data and ease the services provided which results in reducing time and effort exerted by the customers and the employees; besides improving the levels of verifying the customer ID and protecting his interests, drawing attention that DED is currently working on installing ID card reader devices in all its centers.

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