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Page last updated on : 01/11/2021 - 1:57 pm

Emirates Identity Authority’s SMS system activated

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The Emirates Identity Authority has started activating a new package of SMS system oriented to its external applicants and customers as part of its keenness on providing first-class services that will facilitate the registration of the population in ID cards and population register.

Mr. Abdullah Al Kindi, Chief Operating Officer at the Emirates Identity Authority, said the Emirates ID started on the past days sending text messages to customers signifying that their respective ID cards had been printed and delivered to the Emirates Post.

These messages contained some information that would help a customer track the receipt of his/her card from the courier so as to avoid any possible delay, he added.

Referring to the Emirates ID’s new initiative of forwarding text messages to customers that signify the forthcoming expiry of their ID cards and remind them of the necessity to renew them at the nearest typing office, Al Kindi said these messages would be forwarded to customers 30 days before the ID expiry date.

As for the interactive SMS services that had already been launched, Al Kindi pointed out the customer-oriented service (in Arabic and English as per the customer’s choice), which explains the sites of registration centers as per their geographical locations in the UAE as well as the center’s telephone number.

Al Kindi explained that the Emirates Identity Authority is in the process of launching a number of other interactive services in future including the possibility of inquiring about the status of a transaction starting with the fingerprint-taking appointment up to the date an ID card has been printed and delivered to the courier. Another service is related to the change in the customer’s mobile number for easier and more precise communication with the customer, particularly when delivering the ID card to him/her. A third service is related to the change in the customer’s post office box number and is aimed at facilitating and expediting the delivery of ID cards.

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