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Page last updated on : 22/03/2021 - 8:25 pm

Acting Director General of ICA inspects its Call Center


H.E. Major General Suhail Saeed Al Khaili, Acting Director General of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) paid an inspection visit to the ICA’s call center to review its work system, and mechanisms for responding to the needs of customers inquiring about its services.
Head of the call center made a detailed presentation to Al Khaili on the workflow and daily routine of the call center , which complies with the best practices and standards for top-notch customer services. Al Khaili also reviewed the mechanisms for tackling with the growing volume of phone calls which climbed as a result of the emerging situation and repercussions of the novel COVID -19. Al Khaili also followed up a real situation of responding to a customer’s inquiry and supporting and orienting him to appropriate service.
Call centers are one of the main channels that avail around -the – clock 24/7 customer services and are also one of the ICA pillars that promptly respond to the needs of the public and, hence, to customer happiness; the ultimate aim of ICA.

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