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Page last updated on : 25/08/2022 - 7:26 pm

Abu Dhabi Municipality Approves ID Cards in its Electronic Kiosks

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Municipality of Abu Dhabi City (ADM) approvedthe ID card as a means to upload personal information of its customers for performance of transactions via the self-service electronic kiosks recently launched by ADM.

Mohamed El Marar, Head of ADM Customer Service, said that the self-service will provide the public with a wide array of easy-access services as well as performing transactions by themselves without the need for a third party.

He pointed out that the experimental phase of the self-service has proved to be a great success due to the user-friendly screen.

Al Marar indicated that the self-service initiative is part of ADM’s mission to provide efficient customer-based services based on best standards as part of its strategy for ongoing development and employment of the latest technologies and means to enhance performance and achieve customer needs in a convenient manner according to the best global practices.

These new digital devices should enable customers to perform their transactions through interactive screens with high multi-feature specifications for real-timeperformance of transactions while saving time and effort.

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