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Page last updated on : 09/08/2022 - 4:51 pm

“Abu Dhabi GDRFA” welcomes the visitors of the UAE with roses on the first day of 2019


Celebrating the New Year 2019, Abu Dhabi GDRFA of ICA welcomes the visitors of the UAE arriving at the airports and border gates of the Emirate and with roses in order to bring joy and happiness to them and establish a lasting impression that the UAE is a country of happiness and good treatment.

Abu Dhabi GDRFA was keen, through its customer happiness centers, to warmly welcome and congratulate the visitors of the UAE on the New Year and complete their transactions with ease so that each visitor feels that he is welcomed and cared for, to ensure his satisfaction and to make the first day of the New Year in the UAE a good memory for those visitors.

H.E. Brigadier Saeed Al Shamsi, Executive Director of Abu Dhabi GDRFA, stressed that GDRFA was keen to make the first day of the New Year distinguished for everyone visiting the UAE and to be full of optimism, happiness, and positiveness, in compliance with the directives of the UAE’s wise leadership, which cares always for devoting all efforts and abilities to make the people happy and adhering to the approach of excellence and creativity adopted by ICA for developing its services and applying such practices that meet the needs of the customers and make them happy.

Al Shamsi stressed that the UAE has provided the greatest example of caring for its people to the extent that its experience was taken as a reference by all other countries to learn how to respect and honor their people and make them in the focus of their attention and the goal for which all possibilities are devoted, and to develop and improve the basic or the value-added services.

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