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Page last updated on : 09/08/2022 - 5:02 pm

“Absher Ya Watan” honors two female employees in “ICA”


Abshar Ya Watan Volunteer Team honored two female employees of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship in recognition of their participation in the initiatives organized by the team during “Year of Zayed” 2018.

This came during the fifth annual celebration of the team, which was held at Abu Dhabi University to honor the government and private entities and the volunteers, and the “Feed and Reap” Ramadan campaign in 2018 for their contributions to the success of charity events, community initiatives and voluntary projects organized and supervised by the team during the “Year of Zayed”.

H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Sultan Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan, delivered the two female employees Nabilah Bin Hariz and Taibah Al Marzouki, certificates of appreciation for their active contribution to the success of the charitable and volunteer activities organized by the “Absher Ya Watan” team, for its contribution to the success of the “Abshar Ya Watan” Volunteer team, which aims at spreading the culture of volunteerism and promote the culture of social responsibility among the male and female youth sector in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain.

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