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Page last updated on : 10/08/2022 - 7:48 am

A writer in “Al Roeya” Commends “Mabrouk Ma Yak” Service


The writer Sultan Al Zaabi commended “Mabrouk Ma Yak” service, which is provided by ICA to allow customers to issue birth certificates, add an entry to the family book, and issue a new passport for new-born nationals, in a single package delivered to the customer, which in turn saves effort and cost and achieves happiness for customers.

In his article, which was published in Al Roeya newspaper last Friday, Al Zaabi wrote that this service is an example for the possibility to make best use of the problems that may occur while providing services to customers. It is also an example for producing innovative ideas, given that problems sensitivity is deemed one of the most important skills distinguishing between normal and creative thinking.

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