“A Dialogue Window” is a new column on Emirates Identity Authority’s website

Wednesday 2 March 2011

The Emirates Identity Authority has launched a new column titled “A Dialogue Window” on its website as part of a process to develop and update it.

In his inaugural editorial to this column, H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General, said “A Dialogue Window” is a space for opinions and a spacious area for intellect and creativity that was introduced to take in all the writers of the Emirates Identity Authority’s family, irrespective of their job titles, academic attainments or practical experiences.

He added that this “column” is hoped to be a window for the Emirates Identity Authority to exchange views with its internal and external customers and an effective means of communication that would pave the way for a deep relationship with its customers with the aim of exchanging ideas and sharing knowledge and experiences in a technological age, which is characterized by accelerating and effective developments in all fields, based on “our keenness on enriching our practices and deepening our experiences”.

Al Khouri said he was hopeful that this new section would be most useful and richer in knowledge and in thoughts, thanks to the participation of the Emirates Identity Authority’s family members with their opinions, ideas and viewpoints.