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Page last updated on : 17/02/2021 - 9:48 pm

A Delegation from Empost Reviews the Best practices of the Emirates ID Authority in the Field of Health and Safety


The Emirates ID Authority briefed a delegation from Empost on the best practices applied in terms of Health, Safety and Environment Department (HSE), during a visit by the delegation to the headquarters of the Authority on Wednesday.
Eng. Salem Baqis, HSE specialist in the Authority, presented to the delegation a detailed explanation about the importance of the application of HSE regulations in the institutional environment, whereby he stressed on the importance of the institutions’ commitment to quality and excellence standards in all the systems and practices applied, as this will reflect positively on the staff performance.

Mohammed Abu Rumman, quality specialist, presented during the meeting a presentation that included an explanation about the regulations and practices applied by the Authority and the HSE policy implemented by the Authority to maintain the safety of its employees and customers, which ensures reducing the environmental footprint, to contribute to a sustainable environment.

The visiting delegation included Mohammed Yaseen, Senior HSE Inspector, Jumaa Ahmed, Senior Security Inspector, Yahya Naaman, performance indicators officer, Sheikha Ismail, performance evaluation officer and Fatima Al Hajri, Head of vacations Department, and from the Emirates ID Authority side, Aisha Al Kaabi, Senior Performance Management Administrative Officer and Salem Al Araimi from the services department

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