A delegate from “The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Ports Security” visits the port of Al Ghowaifat.

Wednesday 3 May 2023

His Excellency Major General, Suhail Saeed Alkhaili, The Major General of the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Ports Security, yesterday’s evening made a field visit to the border port of Al Ghowaifat in Abu Dhabi Emirate in the purpose of following up the progress of work in the port and ensuring the streaming movement of both vehicle and transit passengers in addition to considering the ways of enhancing cooperation and coordination of efforts amongst departments working in the port.
His Excellency was accompanied by, Mohamed Ahmed Al Kuwaiti- the Major General of ports security in the Authority- Rashed Bin Laheg Al Mansouri- General Manager of Abu Dhabi Customs, and brigade/ Saeed bin Lahas Al Shamsi- the Executive manager for Citizenship and Foreigners Affairs in Abu Dhabi.
During the field visit, the strategic partners were awarded for their sincere efforts in managing and organizing the flow movement of truck passing through the outlet directing to the Saudi outlet of Bathaa as His Excellency, the brigade, the General Manager of the Authority has present the commemorative shields and certificates of recognition to the representatives of Al Dhafar Region Police Directorate, Al Dhafar Traffic Department, Al Dhafar Municipality, Al Sala Municipality, The Emirate Red Crescent, The General Administration For Customs in Aby Dhabi, Customs of Al Ghowaifat outlet, Police Department of Al Dhafar outlet and the General Administration for port security- outlet office of Al Ghowaifat.
The Visit has witnessed holding a session of brain storm in order to know the innovative opinions of employees as well as their developing proposals for blessing the customers, especially the class of tourists and passengers. Also, there was a review for the developmental plans in order to be ensure the readiness of the port during the formal occasions, along with meeting with the strategic partners in managing the port.
Brigade/ Suhail Saeed al Khaili asserted during his visit the importance of taking the necessary procedures, facilitating them, and the mutual coordination between all authorities working in the port and the national associations in such a way that would contribute in facilitating the transit of both passengers and goods providing the full compliance with the security standards and regularities. In addition to the constructive cooperation with the Saudi side in Al Bathaa Outlet for overcoming any obstacles or challenges that might face the smooth movement of transit between the two outlets as soon as possible. His Excellency also, has praised the efforts of all administrations working in the outlet and their cooperation for providing high quality services for all customers.