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A brainstorming Session discuss the current and future challenges and the Proposed Solutions


Monday 21 October 2019
The Department of Personal Status and Passports of the General Directorate of Nationality organized a brainstorming session for its employees, to discuss the ideas and creative solutions aiming at achieving more success in the coming period. The session took place in the Office of the Executive Director of the Department.

The session, which was attended by Brigadier General Khalifa balqubba Al Humairi, Executive Director of the Personal Status and Passports Department, addressed the challenges related to the field of work and the proposed solutions to develop the general work plan and improve the services provided.

Al Humairi commenced the brainstorming session, stressing the importance and role of the creative spirit, excellence and determination for raising the level of distinctive services provided by the Department.

Colonel Rashid Al Dhaheri, Director of the Personal Status and Passports Department, and Lt. Colonel Hameed Al Suwaidi, Director of Statistics and Archives Department, participated in the session along with a number of officers and Department employees.

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