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Page last updated on : 10/11/2020 - 3:38 pm

76.42% of the ICA’s customers are satisfied with its New Website


In a survey participated by more than 24 thousand persons

The Website Provides the service of knowing the Waiting Time in the Customer Happiness Centers and the Nearest Center to the Customer

76.42% of the customers of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (“ICA”) expressed their satisfaction with the new website launched by ICA on the margin of its participation in the 37th “GITEX Technology Week 2017”.

This survey was conducted by ICA in last December via its website, and participated by twenty-four thousand, seven hundred and sixty-two persons; 14.37% of the customers expressed their neutrality against the survey subject, and 9.2% expressed their dissatisfaction with the new design of the website.

The new website of ICA provides the service of “Waiting Time” which allows knowing of the waiting time and the number of customers waiting to get the service in each ICA’s Customers Happiness Center to ICA, and the nearest Center to their location and the time to be taken for arrival.

ICA confirmed that the new design of its website was created based on the Customers’ desires and according to the results of the surveys and studies carried out in order to identify their preferences, indicating that ICA seeks to make the website the first platform for provision of its services and the first reference to be resorted to by the customers to get the trustworthy and accurate information, for the purpose of achievement excellence in services and the continuity pioneering in performance and development in different aspects of its corporate works.

ICA said that it was keen to display the main services of priority on the Homepage and enable the customer to initiate the procedures of getting such service by one click, and provide its E-services in an interactive, up-to-date way, taking into consideration the easiness of usage, and the smoothness, simplicity and shortness of the steps to be taken by the

customers to reach the needed information, and give the priority to the contents with the great demand.

ICA emphasized that it is keen to update the content of its website daily so as to offer comprehensive information about its projects and activities, and provide comprehensive knowledge about all services and the procedures of getting it.

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