5 Days before MOI’s deadline to get the ID is over

Monday 16 November 2009

The grace period stipulated by the Minsitry of Interior (MOI) for UAE nationals and residents to obtain and accept the ID, will lapse on 22 November, within the next five days from tomorrow (Tuesday). This will complete the formality finalization procedures for all services provided by MOI through all its security bodies, headquarters and directorates general of police in all the UAE emirates, except for the UAE residents’ related services to renew and issue residence visas and the associated formalities and procedures, since the availability of a valid residence visa is one of the pre-requirements to apply for the ID.

Excepted also from the MOI’s “deadline stipulation” are residents of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah, only on temporary basis due to the limited capacity of Emirates ID’s registration centers for the Population Register and ID Card System at the said Emirates, provided that their registration will be announced later.

The Ministry of Interior has linked the services provided by it to all individuals obliged to register in Emirates ID’s Population Register and ID Card System with the issue of the ID card, in accordance with the Federal Law no. 9 of 2006 concerning the Population Register and ID Card System and the Cabinet Ordinance No. 201/1 of 2007. Accordingly all the relevant segments of the society and their families are required to complete registration formalities as soon as possible and without delay.

Acting Director of Media and Public Relations at the Ministry of Interior, Brigadier Mohammad Saleh Badah said that according to an official statement issued by the MOI on the beginning of November, the ministry will refuse provide its services to the relevant UAE citizens and residents who did not register, or ignored or delayed their registration in the Population Register and ID Card System through Emirates ID’s registration centers, stressing that it will be simultaneous with the implementation of delay penalty on those who delay the submittal of their formalities related to the MOI, such as vehicle ownership renewal, as also stipulated by law.

“MOI’s various services provided to individuals throughout the UAE are as follows: All vehicle and driver licensing services and Criminal Record Certificates (Certificates of Good Conduct), issue of licenses for private security companies, announcement of tender floating, issue of weapon licenses and certificates for satisfaction of security and safety requirements for civil defence installations. The ID card must be available to finalize all recruitment procedures for all those who have been chosen to be included within the ID card acceptance mechanism” he explained.

He indicated that the implementation announcement of this stipulation on several stages and times comes within the Government’s direction to secure that all UAE citizens and residents obtain the multi-use, unified number ID card, which citizens and residents are required to obtain and accept in their official formalities with all government, semi-government and private entities, by virtue of the law which obliges all organizations to accept the ID card in all transactions, where each UAE citizen and resident will have his unique entry in the Population Register System and a fixed No. known as the “ID No.”, which number is to be established in the individuals’ transactions and records and to organize and keep such transactions, records and files, without prejudice to the organization and filing methods adopted by the entity itself.

Brigadier Mohammad Saleh Badah stated that encoded electronic systems have been provided to enable immediate verification by MOI’s police service department officers of the customers’ ID personal data, whereas starting 22nd of this month no transactions will be permitted without holding and producing the ID card nor any transactions will be accepted or received without first obtaining the ID card.

MOI had already announced in all media that instructions were issued to all security and police departments, as well as various police headquarters and directorates general throughout the UAE, to base the completion of any MOI related activity with the citizen’s or resident’s obtainment of the multi- use unified- number ID card startign from 22nd of November. Only residents of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah will be currently exempted from the obligatory obtainment of the card for a period to be announced later. Vehicles and Drivers Licensing Department of Abu Dhabi Police also requested that UAE citizens use the ID card to finalize any electronic transaction at Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and the Western Region starting from 8th November, to be implemented later on residents.

On his part, Mr. Youssef Al Bloushi, Executive Manager of Emirates ID Registration Centers called upon all UAE citizens, residents and their families, to register with the Population Register and ID Card system at the earliest in order to benefit from the ID card associated services.

He stated that sufficient rates of registration applicants willing to obtain the ID card within the set deadline, would avoid crowds which may lead to registration delay, stressing that it is the duty of each UAE citizen and resident to support this national project and take part in its success through immediate response and registration in the Population Register and ID Card System.

The Registration Centers Executive Manager said that true contentment of the importance of the ID card and its positive efficient role in various service sectors within the UAE, is the real motive that shall motivate all UAE citizens and residents to cooperate with Emirates ID and provide all forms of help and support to its strategic and vital projects.

He noted that the delay of registration in the Population Register and ID Card system will reflect negatively on the timely completion of this project, which would lead to the postponement of many vital national project which rely on the completion of this project.

He added that the PRIDC system is a flagship national project aimed at raising economic and social growth rates within the UAE. It is also acts as the backbone of e-government through its active and positive role in improving community services of all types. The creation of a secure and accurate population register of all UAE citizens and residents will contribute to achieve Emirates ID’s vision and message in line with the directions of our wise leadership who is devoting extreme attention to the e-government project which would add to the vision of our country and establish its position on the international arena in terms of the level of services provided to both UAE citizens and residents.

Al Bloushi said that, today, the ID card has many uses being a unified identification document securing highest level of security and privacy. He stressed the role of electronic linkage which Emirates ID is working on with various government and semi-government sectors, to expand the card uses in the future to include other fields, especially after all UAE citizens and residents are completely registered.