409,000 ID card forms filled out across the UAE in October including 22,000 the day before yesterday

Tuesday 1 November 2011

As many as 409,000 UAE nationals and residents across the UAE registered in ID card in October including around 23,000 the day before yesterday (Monday), the Emirates Identity Authority revealed.

The Emirates ID denied the rumors that the e-form system was not working, noting that the system was sometimes slow at some typing centers because they did not use the service in the right way in their attempt to complete the largest number of transactions at the shortest time possible, using one machine sometimes. The Emirates ID said customers in the past days showed a so positive response to filling out e-forms that more than 2,000 e-forms (registration and renewal) were filled out in one hour the day before yesterday.

The Emirates ID warned that some typing centers were spreading rumors or claiming that the population register and ID card registration system was not working whereas they were banned from providing the e-form service for many reasons including their non-abidance by the required service standards, repeated mistakes when inputting customers’ data, failure to use the service properly and keeping customers’ passports with them.

In this connection, the Emirates ID announced that the service of filling out e-forms for individuals and businesses would be provided via its website (very shortly) as part of its keenness on providing advance online services to customers and alleviating the pressures experienced at typing centers.

The Emirates ID said Emaratech, the IT and electronic solutions company, which is in charge of managing the system of filling out ID card registration forms through typing centers, is fully prepared for dealing with customers’ complaints and providing the typing centers with solutions to any problem related to the service.

The Emirates ID pointed out that Emaratech’s database showed that some typing centers used to work 24 hours a day to complete as many transactions as possible for those customers who decided to leave their passports with them. In this connection, the Emirates ID announced that it would not assume any responsibility for any lost or damaged passport left with any typing center.

Meanwhile, the Emirates ID reiterated its call on customers to register in ID cards, renew their expired ones and not to wait till the last minute of the grace periods given for registration or renewal so as to avoid delay fees as per the Cabinet’s decision no. 25 for 2011.

The Emirates ID previously announced that delay fees would be imposed on September 15. The announcement coincided with the launch of a huge media campaign under the slogan of “Register Now… Don’t Wait Until The Last Minute”. The campaign is still on and will continue in the coming months.

The Emirates ID also called on the UAE nationals who had not yet registered in the ID card or renewed their expired cards to abide by the Cabinet’s decision, considering that registering in the population register and ID card is a national duty in the first place in view of the importance of the ID card project for enhancing national and individual security, not to mention its role in supporting decision-making and providing eGovernment services in future.

The Emirates ID also called on residents to register in the ID card and not to wait for the final grace period in order to avoid delay fines and possible congestion at typing centers.

Giving grace periods to all the UAE population is aimed at completing the population register and ID card project as soon as possible in order to begin the stage of providing innovated government services, which support the UAE leadership’s orientation to convert into eGovernment and access the knowledge-based economy.

Stressing the necessity for customers to make sure that the data inputted in the form at the typing offices are correct to avoid rejection of the transaction by the Emirates ID-affiliated verification offices, the Emirates ID said a customer should visit the typing center again to correct the inputted data in case of an error upon submission of his/her application, noting that the verification offices returned more than 61,000 transactions to the typing centers over 3 months for reasons related to inaccurate and incorrect data.

The Emirates ID underlined the necessity for visiting its service points in order to complete registration procedures (fingerprinting and photographing) on time, get a superb service away from congestion and avoid cancellation of the form and the paid fees if the customer misses two successive registration appointments.

The Emirates ID pointed out that filling out the registration or renewal form would exempt the applicant from delay fees on the condition of timely completion of the required procedures. It also underlined the necessity for a customer to get his/her ID card within 30 days from the date he/she is notified accordingly so as to avoid the card being destroyed.

The Emirates ID called on customers to call its contact center on (600530003) in case of any inquiries about its services or call Emaratech contact center on (04-2376000) in case of any problem with the typing centers.