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Page last updated on : 26/08/2020 - 9:56 pm

Eid, is not and should not be one day. Eid can extend in our hearts and souls for a long time. We can preserve its profound meaning for as long as possible.

Eid is an occasion for comfort, peace and wisdom. It is a return to the soul and forming close relationship with the other, with all others. In Eid, there is no hostility, anger or dispute. It is an occasion for love, tolerance and forgiveness.

How do we live through Eid and days beyond?

As we prepare to welcome this holy occasion, we should prepare as if every day is Eid. Our religion and heritage brim with values including the eternal light that fills our hearts with patience combined with determination, will and work. Our values form a consolidated system where each value completes the other. We cannot pick and choose but rather make use of this rich and beneficial heritage in its entirety. This fragmentation and breakdown is neither desired nor required. Fragmentation does not serve the common purpose and our system of values is one where we cannot pick and choose or exclude values.

The second, third or even fourth days of Eid are not the end. Eid is an idea before being an occasion framed into one single day. It is true that its idea is nourished this day more intensively but it can be broadened and generalized to include more places, times and cases.

Inside our families and societies, we are in dire need for a renewed Eid that does not end with sunset at the end of the day. We need Eid that is as warm and cozy even in winter, Eid, where we feel importance, privacy and idiosyncrasy under its umbrella.

Eid that is renewed year after year carrying promises, rivers and springs reaching more satisfaction regardless of circumstances. We should have the ability to renew this Eid spirit with every morning.


Ibn Al Deira, Al Khaleej
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