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Page last updated on : 28/02/2022 - 9:37 am

Abdullah bin Salem Al Qasimi visits the innovative platform of Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security in Sharjah

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His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Salem bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Deputy Ruler of Sharjah, visited the innovative platform of the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security in Sharjah, which was held at the Male Colleges at the University of Sharjah, as part of UAE Innovates activities 2022.

The visit took place during the participation of the Authority in the innovation activities, where His Highness was briefed on the latest initiatives and technical projects related to providing smart services to customers according to an advanced innovative vision. His Highness was also briefed on the smart inspection vehicle to detect prohibited items by using enhanced inspection capabilities to combat smuggling operations, raise the level of efficiency and shorten customs clearance time.


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