Emirates Customs” a unified identity to enhance competitiveness
Emirates Customs”… a unified identity to enhance competitiveness
The customs sector in the UAE is one of the main sectors that contribute to protecting the security of society, maintaining its stability, promoting the development process, and supporting economic growth.
In continuation of the achievements made by the customs sector in the country, the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security recently and officially launched the name “Emirates Customs” as a unified identity for the customs sector in the country in implementation of the decision and directives of the esteemed Council of Ministers.
Unifying the name of the customs sector in the country as “Emirates Customs” is a very important step to strengthen the strategic partnership between the components of the customs sector in the UAE, unify the country’s customs identity, and then move to a new phase of customs work that leads to enhancing the country’s leadership and competitiveness regionally and globally.
In confirmation of the new identity of the customs sector in the country, the slogan “Emirates Customs” was adopted, which includes a set of authentic Emirati values, the most important of which is the interconnected national role in providing customs services and external representation in a way that maintains the country’s regional and global leadership.
The logo reflects, through the colors it contains, the prosperity and cultural progress of the state and its position as a safe transit gateway between the East and the West, in addition to its aspiration towards the future with unparalleled confidence and ambition, and its pride in its heritage and its extension in its present and future. The logo embodies the pivotal role of customs operations and their dynamic movement represented in supervisory activities.
The combination of colors that make up the logo between green and blue expresses the wide scope of carrying out customs operations through land, sea and air ports, as a natural reflection of the prosperity and civilizational progress of the country’s territory.
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