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Page last updated on : 26/12/2023 - 1:52 pm

Umm Al Quwain Customs

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Umm Al Quwain is located on the west coast of the country, on the Arabian Gulf coast.

The history of the region dates back to more than 7,000 years, it has shown effects on their relationship to the civilization of Mesopotamia and Umm Al Nar civilization; which is an important trading port on the Arabian Gulf coast.

The developments of Umm Al Quwain foreign trade was going on as a result of the policy of openness to the world which produced by the government to cope with the country’s directions.

The unique geographic location of Umm Al Quwain has contributed to the revitalization of business in various forms as well as utilities that support trade scattered along the coast of Umm Al Quwain and its roads, such as the free zones and modern means of communication, and others.

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