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Page last updated on : 01/11/2021 - 8:33 am

Survey of satisfaction Level of Validation Gateway Services

Thank you for using the ICA Validation Gateway, the objective of its services is to enable enterprises and government organizations to authenticate, verify and check the validity of digital certificates and persons in real-time; promoting high levels of trust and protection for electronic communications and transactions.
The purpose of this survey is to measure our customers satisfaction and to ensure improvement on our services which is based on your feed back.
Please give us a few minutes of your time to fill this questionnaire. Rate the following statements using a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means “Very Dissatisfied” and 5 means “Very Satisfied”

Very satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
I don't know

Did the content of the site help you to reach the desired?

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What is the reason for your feedback?


What is the reason for your feedback?

I encountered a technical problemI could not find the information I wantedThe content is incomprehensibleAnother reason
