Saif Bin Zayed receives Emirates ID’s ISO Certificate for Information Security

Sunday 10 April 2011

WAM- His Highness Lt. General Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Deputy Chairman of Emirates Identity Authority’s (EIDA) Board, received ISO 27001: 2005, awarded by the British Standards Institution (BSI) to EIDA over its strict adherence to the specifications of information security.

During a meeting in his office, H.H. Sheikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan has advised H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Al Khouri, Emirates ID Director General to exert all efforts needed to improve the service based on global standards stating that “success cannot be achieved without the combination of collective efforts.”

His Highness added: “We should not be limited in our efforts. We need to put in mind the global standards and make use of all the efforts using high techniques which affect the individual and society effectively.”

For his part, Al Khouri said “EIDA is committed to improve the level of applying information security system’ standards, protecting information of Authority’s clients and the staff keenness of the confidentially and privacy of these information and limiting trading through a secure and electronic coded ways so impenetrable.”

He added, “This certificate is a significant proof on the Authority’s commitment on applying the global standards and continuation of its efforts to make use of developed techniques to ensure the confidentiality of information particularly as the Authority achieved some of strategic initiations that would work as the infrastructure for several projects within the country such as the numeric identity project and E-link project between government institutions related to civil events”.

He stated also that “The creation of secure and accurate population register for all citizens and residents contributes in achieving the vision and purpose of the Authority in accordance with our high leadership’s instructions which gives the e-government project utmost importance that achieve our country’s vision and contribute to put it on the international and global map because the level of the improved services provided to the citizens and residents as well.

“The population register is a government, central, general and trusted source of information helps to make decisions and resources distribution for it include the personal and important data of individuals while ensuring the confidentially and security of this information”, he added.

BSI has delivered recently security information ISO to Emirates ID after an estimation process for tow months where Emirates ID has been checked in several stages and comprehensive and detailed review of all the Authority’s documents, security information applications, risk plans and test of security information control system’ efficiency and system security in general test.