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Page last updated on : 05/12/2021 - 7:04 pm

Emirated Identity Authority Discusses Excellence Methodology

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H.E. Dr. Eng. Ali Mohamed Al Khouri, Emirates Identity Director General has stated the importance and necessity of applying ethical values in the work environment, which implies showing respect towards employees, and encouraging openness, positivism teamwork, as well as creativity and performance development, noting that such values reflect positively on employees’ performance, and contribute to the achievement of expected results.

The issue was addressed at the expanded meeting, headed by His Excellency, during which the attendees discussed Institutional Excellence Methodology and gab analyses results pertaining to both Institutional Excellence and Employees Investment Certificates projects.

H.E. the Director General has called for increasing efforts to develop techniques of evaluating the functional performance, and avoiding the current methodology which depends on behavioral evaluation. He also pointed out the necessity to amend the performance evaluation model according to authorized methodology depending on standard evaluation and accurate performance indicators.

During the meeting, there was a presentation of Institutional Excellence Methodology and authorized standards, in addition to Emirate ID analyses results of each standard, along with clarification of areas of strength and improvement. There was another presentation about the methodology of human resources investment project, and authorized standards and evaluation.

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