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ICP Vaild Gateway
ICP Validation Gateway

ICP Validation Gateway

To simplify the usage of the emirates id card and its certificates ICA has set up a Validation Gateway (VG). VG will enable governments, organizations as well as individuals to make use of the emirates card in an online scenario.

The VG is a service available online that offers a wide variety of digital functionality related to the emirates id card. Users and organizations can (after approval from ICA) without any programming knowledge and without being a cryptographic expert connect to the VG and benefit from its many functionalities to perform online services where the emirates ID cards are used for authentication and signing. The emirates ID as the single ID, both physically and digitally, will enhance and secure services online.

It will not only improve the effectiveness as the need for paper copies will be removed and information will be easier and more securely available but it will also enhance security and accuracy as the emirates id card will be the single, trusted, source for user data.

Government agencies and corporate organizations can now make use of the infrastructure of the emirates id card and Validation Gateway to offer more services online and thereby improve their own processes as well as provide better services for their citizens and customers.


VG Services


All Services available on this site are for demonstration purposes only. No responsibility will be taken for misuse of the services or any data provided by them.

Get Started

Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship provides a structured phased approach for on-boarding the service providers who are poised to use its services.
The scope is to support partners, which have signed a cooperation contract with EmiratesID and are interested to use the Validation Gateway services, with a detailed description to connect with our Validation Gateway. This description should help from the first meeting up to the testing phase until the Go-live.

After signing the relevant contracts with Emirates ID documents describing the technical, as well as commercial processes, will be made available.

The four phases

Both Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship and the service provider will establish business requirements and establish the engagement with Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship and perform integration assessments from both sides.

Initiation Phase

Both Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship and the service provider will establish business requirements and establish the engagement with Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship and perform integration assessments from both sides.

Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship will assist its service  provider by conducting a Proof of Concept (POC) of the integration  with Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship services and assess  the implementation effort to finalize an integration plan.

Pilot Phase

Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship will assist its service provider by conducting a Proof of Concept (POC) of the integration with Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship services and assess the implementation effort to finalize an integration plan.

Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship will assist the services provider service provider by Integrating the Emirates Identity Card  and Validation Gateway within the infrastructure and testing this  implementation with Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship’s  test environment.

Implementation Phase

Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship will assist the services provider service provider by Integrating the Emirates Identity Card and Validation Gateway within the infrastructure and testing this implementation with Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship’s test environment.

Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship will assist the service provider by conducting a Go-live of the Validation Gateway service with the services provider’s own service.

Go-Live Phase

Federal Authority For Identity and Citizenship will assist the service provider by conducting a Go-live of the Validation Gateway service with the services provider’s own service.

Last updated on: March 24, 2023 /