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Page last updated on : 21/06/2023 - 12:58 pm

Excellence Pioneers

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  • The Largest Database for Electronic Vital Civil “Compact” Records in the world.
  • The Biggest ID Card in the world enters “Guinness Book of Records” bearing the name of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan “May God Protect Him”
  • The first federal entity to be awarded ISO 27001 Information Security Certification since 2007.
  • The first ID project worldwide to be awarded ISO 27001 Information Security Certification since 2007.
  • The first government ID card to employ the “Match on Card” technology to confirm the identity since 2005.
  • The first government ID card to employ a 144-kilobyte smart chip.
  • The first federal organization in the UAE to start applying a development policy based on scientific research for carrying out its projects since 2007.
  • The best government website in the UAE in 2011.
  • The first government entity to launch a “Star of Excellence” project in 2012 to develop its centers.
  • The first federal body achieving 100% localization in human resources.
  • The first ID card in the world with 4K encryption keys.
  • A certificate from the Guinness Book of Records for the largest identity card in the world, which bears the name of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” and Their Highnesses, members of the Supreme Council and Rulers of the Emirates, as part of the project (Khalifa in the Languages of the World).
  • The Authority has received from the World Record Academy an official certificate proving that it has the largest database of “merged” electronic vital civil records in the world, within the population register system of the United Arab Emirates.
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