HE Dr. Saeed bin Mutlaq Al Ghafli, Director General of the Emirates ID Authority, stressed that the United Arab Emirates was established by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and his brothers rulers to reflect the values of good, giving, cordiality, peace and sacrifice to please the individual customer and humanity as a whole. This sprang from a well-established conviction that man’s true mission is to cause people to live and spread the goodness, cordiality and peace, he said.
The special philanthropic journey of the UAE covered the needy of the humankind regardless of their color, race and religion, said Dr. Al Ghafli. Based on the fact that all people are equal, this journey established the values of anti-discrimination, philanthropy and giving, he said. The UAE has reached out to people around the globe with a helping hand to wipe out the tears of the needy and dress the wounds caused by disasters and wars, he said. The UAE works and achievements in this regard indicate how superior the UAE leadership and people are and how much they are noble, generous and keen to be always on the top list of philanthropists who seek man happiness, he said.
Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, declared 2017 a year of philanthropy, Dr. Al Ghafli said. This step is like a new seed in the field of the UAE philanthropy, which affects all those who live on this territory, he said. This new seed will affect their lives and add new meanings and great values that increase the morals and glorify giving to maintain the UAE position as a wellspring for cordiality and endless giving.
The themes covered in this initiative have great meanings and significance, he said. Such themes will contribute effectively in spreading the spirit of charity and giving in all social events held by entities and individuals, he said. This can be attained by establishing the social responsibility in the private sector entities and promoting the volunteering spirit and specialized programs among all the segments of the society. These two will make the UAE an example to follow in unleashing and directing powers to the best interest of the homeland and humanity. The third theme is to establish the service of home country in the new generations. This theme gives priority to certain values such as loyalty, affiliation and citizenship. It instills these values in the next generations enhancing the love of this land and their readiness to fought for it and put their full potential at its service.
Dr. Al Ghafli concluded “Zayed’s approach and guidelines will be the beams that light the road to philanthropy and giving, setting an example for the future generations to learn the meanings of nobleness, generosity and humanity. Under Khalifa, the United Emirates will remain a school from which we learn to give for humanity.
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