Usrati Bundle

About the Bundle

Usrati Bundle aims to provide a package of various proactive services for nationals about to get married, starting with the marriage contract, then the service of creating a new family register for them, in addition to housing support services and the arrival of the newborn, until the child reaches the stage of study and reserving the school seat. All of this shall take place proactively, before the service is requested, without uploading any documents.

The journey of the national customer in the current stage of Usrati Bundle includes a set of proactive services that reflect the true concept of quality of life and are provided proactively without requesting it. These services include authenticating the marriage contract, issuing or updating the electronic family register, marriage grant, salary, land and property data, housing support, pregnancy, medical appointments, vaccinations dates, and school seat reservation.

Usrati Bundle is a distinguished model that embodies a new generation of proactive government services, which is based on proactively providing services to customers without requesting them, filling out their application data, or downloading any documents, as the national obtains these services proactively through the ” Usrati” platform On website as soon as its date comes and before requesting it. This contributes to improving the quality of life of nationals and saves them time and effort and raises the level of their happiness and fulfills their aspirations and dreams.

Usrati Bundle comes in the context of the Authority’s keenness to respond quickly to the directives of the wise leadership related to developing services and providing them proactively without requesting them, making nationals happy and improving the quality of their lives. It also embodies the eight principles of the UAE government’s promise for future services, and stems from the directions and vision of the UAE strategy for government services. It also contributes to empowering the requirements and objectives of We Are the Emirates Vision 2031 and the UAE Centennial 2071, where the outputs of the ” Usrati Bundle ” support the State’s leadership and enhance its regional and global competitiveness in the field of government services.

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