Volunteering Footprint

Volunteering and its goals

Voluntary work in the Authority aims to help and support the community on the social, cultural and economic levels individually or through groups affiliated with the Authority to provide services and assistance in various fields to meet the needs of the Authority in terms of supporting and organizing events and other urgent social activities or serving one of the issues of the society.

Definition of volunteering

It is the effort that a self-motivated person provides to his society, free of charge, with the intention of assuming some responsibilities in the areas that aim to serve the country and achieve humanitarian assistance.

The Authority’s strategic goal regarding volunteers

Raising the readiness of volunteers and establishing a culture of volunteer work in society.

Volunteer Management Objectives

  • Providing the opportunity for the Authority’s employees to contribute to community service and participate in voluntary activities through specific mechanisms.
  • Develop and maintain volunteer programs in local groups that support the goals and objectives of the Authority.
  • Raising the readiness of volunteers and maintaining their morale by appreciating their achievements and contributions.
  • Agreeing with teams of volunteers to help them carry out the tasks entrusted to the Authority.
  • Supporting the awareness activities implemented by the Authority’s departments by providing qualified volunteers in various disciplines and fields.

Your joining the ranks of volunteers will help you achieve the following:

  • Feeling the value of work, especially working for the community and the country.
  • Self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Develop personal experience and skills.
  • Gain a social position in society.
  • Expressing feelings of loyalty and belonging to the homeland through initiatives and tangible effort.
  • Using your free time in a positive way.

Conditions for volunteering in the Authority

In order to join the volunteer work, the applicant must fulfil the following conditions:

  • To be a UAE citizen or a GCC citizen, or a resident with a valid residence in the UAE.
  • Be of good conduct.
  • To commit in the exercise of his activity.
  • To have an academic qualification not lower than high school

Documents required to be accepted in volunteering, which must be uploaded at the volunteer portal

  • A copy of a valid passport
  • A copy of a valid residence permit.
  • A copy of the Emirates ID card from both sides.
  • Photograph.
  • Latest academic qualification

Volunteering portal

It is a means of facilitating the volunteering process in the Authority by those who wish to volunteer and who meet all the conditions for volunteering.

To volunteer now