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Grace period for violators and happiness for human


A significant positive step represented in the grace period given by UAE to the violators to change their status, which entered into force yesterday in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet in this regard, which made the violators flocking to the centers set by the ICA to receive them. This grace period reflects the wisdom of the leadership of the state, which is always keen to take into account the humanitarian aspect in all its decisions.

The initiative “Protect Yourself By Changing Your Status”, which came out of such Decree, was met by interaction of this group of residents who found the Decree an opportunity to change their status, without paying any financial penalties after being waived by virtue of such Decree that also allowed to leave the State without any legal accountability.

Some of the beneficiaries of the Decree considered the first of August 2018 as the day of their birth again, especially those who were discharged of fines of two hundred thousand dirhams for their illegal residency, this day represents the day of coming out of the cycle of anxiety and fear of the future because of their inability to engage in the normal life cycle of the person committed to the regulations and laws. The absence of a legal residency Visa for the resident and his family causes them to be deprived of the facilities provided by the State, primarily access to educational services for their children and health care for all family members. With the change in the status of this segment, a new life is created for them to be happy with others in UAE, the homeland of happiness, which always extends its hand with good and compassion for everyone inside and outside the state.

“Protect Yourself”



With the start of the grace period countdown set by the Cabinet for violators of residency laws to change their status or to leave the state voluntarily, and to remove the fines resulting from illegal staying in the state, the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship to learn the public about the campaign launching, which will begin titled “Protect yourself by changing your status”, as of the first of next August, and continue till October 31, 2018. Brigadier Rakan Al-Rashedi previewed the details of the initiative and its beneficiaries at the press conference held by ICA for such purpose at its headquarters in Khalifa City the day before yesterday. He explained further through the mass program “Studio 1” in Abu Dhabi Radio with colleague Salem Al Kaabi.

The initiatives confirmed the great consideration given by our wise leadership to the safety of the society and its citizens. This is th care which is reflected by ICA and Ministry of Interior and its strategy to enhance the sense of security and safety of all people living in UAE, whether its citizens or residents. Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship was very keen to highlight the humanitarian decision of our wise leadership to grant a one-year renewable residency visa to our brothers, whose countries are suffering from turmoil and disasters, and whose countries have been afflicted by various instability and are facing difficult conditions that will prevent them from returning to them in the near future.

ICA provided all the facilities and centers to receive those who wish to benefit from this grace period within 90 days, which is a sufficient period for those who are serious and want to change their status or leave the state. The toll-free number assigned for this good initiative provides adequate answers for anyone who wants to inquire and learn more, in many languages, to reach the right information to all people, as well as the required step and procedure.

We praise the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship for the greatness of its ongoing preparations, in order to maximize the benefit of this step. We hope that we all will interact with it, especially the national sponsors whose works have been stalled for one reason or another and postponed the status changing of their sponsored persons until the improvement of their conditions and found that the circle of violation expanded and the fines multiplied.

The optimal interaction of such people with the initiative is very important, as it serves the state and the law enforcement authorities. It is our duty to encourage violators to take advantage of this initiative and the grace period, because, as stated in its title, they protect themselves from violating the law again, and protect themselves from those who want to harm them, taking advantage of their ignorance of the Law.

Visas and Residency System


Under the guidance of its wise leadership, UAE government works on strengthening the state leadership and status at the regional and international levels and attract more investments at the various economic sectors. This comes in line with the state’s orientation to broaden its economic base, based on the objectives of “UAE Vision 2021” which aims at creating a flexible, various and innovative economy so that the state could become the best in the world in line with (UAE Centennial 2071).

Since UAE works on overcoming all challenges and providing various advantages and facilities necessary to improve the investment climate and business services, ICA’s Board of Directors confirmed during its second meeting 2018, which was held recently, its complete readiness to implement all the Decrees issued by the Cabinet during the last months of May and June, pertaining to the launch of an integrated system of foreigners entry and residency visas to attract efficient and talented people and the adoption of a new legislative package to review the current residency system with the aim of facilitating the status of visitors and residents in the state, securing flexible and easy procedures and providing the best services.

The inauguration of the integrated system of entry visas last May, under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to attract efficient and talented people and allow international investors to own 100% of their companies, embodies the legacy and inherent values of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, which was complemented by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan which aim at helping UAE to be become a safe and attractive center for all people hoping to work, reside or invest in the state, through various decrees and policies which take into consideration the humanitarian dimension, seeks to provide stability and a decent life for all those living in the State and provide them the opportunity to consider their future scientific and professional options to work, invest and reside in UAE.

The decrees of granting the nationals of countries who are suffering from wars and disasters a residency visa for one year, regardless of the conditions of residency, extension of the residency visa of the widows or divorced women and their children for one year without the need for a sponsor, as well as granting grace period to violators who reside in the state illegally to settle their status or to leave the state voluntarily without having any legal consequences and exempting them from fines, reflect the civilized approach, which reflects the noble and authentic values of good leadership in the UAE and has a positive impact on enhancing the state’s competitiveness and stimulating economic growth which achieves the comprehensive and sustainable development and increases the level of welfare and happiness for both citizens and residents.

UAE has become a key and essential destination for money and business community from all over the world through its strategic decisions in investment and residency. It has been considered an environment that attracts everyone. It enables them to excel and achieve their hopes and aspirations. UAE have various potentials to attract investments and strategies which supports the economic, cultural and scientific openness and provide facilities that serve the economic sectors. This, in fact, enhances the position of UAE as one of the best countries for those seeking safe resorts and suitable investment environments.

There is no question that the honorable leadership’s keenness to facilitate the movement and residency of investors and the efficient people in UAE goes hand in hand with the image of the state as a symbol of openness, coexistence and respect of the other. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said: “Our open environment, tolerant values, infrastructure as well as flexible legislation are the best plan to attract the international investments and exceptional talents into UAE.” HH added “Our country is the land of opportunities, the best environment to achieve the people’s dreams and launch their unique potential and talents.”

The Cherish of Work

(It is not important to do what you love; rather love what you do).

One should devote oneself wholeheartedly to work, and do his utmost. Both accuracy and honesty must be endeavored. If so, he shall win two rewards at the same time; one is material, and other relates to the hereafter, as a kind of worshiping God. The Sunna supports work saying, “Allah will be pleased with those who try to do their work in a perfect way”. Additionally, there are many evidences urge and appreciate love of work. As far as proficiency, Allah compensates you for the better; as Allah (the Almighty) knows the sincerity and determination.

You may achieve what you aspire to, by determination and dynamism.

Achievements come true, as much as you determination;

As noble deeds match only the noble men work.

Given that an employee observes his work and does his best; you can easily control the rest of his actions and behaviors. Obviously, his work shows his gentle principles and values. Such man is unconcerned with blames for others; rather aggravate determination and resolve to continue at the same pace. He follows the tracks of the verse “say (to him) work, and your work will be seen by Allah and His Messenger”, and the saying of Prophet Muhammad, “mastering work is worship”.

It is not required to only work, but we should be precise in our work, as it has a direct reflection on the nature of the work. Also perfection is the main reason for the success and development of work whatever the field. Work, no doubt, leads to access to self-sufficiency at various levels; therefore we shall be like other nations that have mastered the work, and reached to what aspire to.

It is our duty to love and dedicate ourselves to work, is not it so?

Combating Cybercrime

Due to the importance of the article, Discussion Window is republishing it to increase the level of awareness about combating cybercrime:

Cybercrimes have become among the challenges the state security and police agencies are determined to combat after they have significantly increased due to the increasing use of modern technology in telecommunications, business and financial and banking transactions which provide a ripe ground for cyber-attacks.

Being aware of this growing threat, Abu Dhabi Police has recently formed competent cybercrime fighting teams who receive reports, search websites and block them if they are pornographic in nature. Field teams were also formed to investigate some reports or any incoming information regarding the occurrence of crime that requires more research outside the Office for the Department of Criminal Investigation, Abu Dhabi Police.

The formation of competent cybercrime fighting teams is highly important, especially in light of the following considerations: The first consideration is the increasing use of information technology in public and private institutions as the UAE ranksamong the top countries in the region with regard to the use of the Internet, employment of digital technology and level of electronic readiness, which means that it remains among the highly targeted states by cybercrime.

The results of a cybercrime survey conducted by Symantec/Norton in collaboration with StrategyOne about “viruses” in 42 states published last Septemberrevealed that two persons at least of the UAEfall victims to cybercrime activities per minute due to viruses/malware, online scams, phishing, etc.

The second consideration is related to cybercrimes in the public economic situation, especially that a large percentage of these crimes began to target mainly financial institutions and companies operating throughout the state. Some examples on these crimes are bank fraud using advanced technological means aiming to withdraw money unlawfully through counterfeiting some documents and papers, stealing bank codes or private numbers of customer accounts and credit card data to use them for criminal purposes. These crimes cost the state large amounts of money annually reaching 2.3 billion dirhams during only one year, according to the research conducted by Norton.

However, as much as electronic transactions are increasing, there are formal and semi-formal serious movements that are made to provide a safer environment for e-transactions to enhance the reliability of these transactions. The state always seeks to adopt the latest technologies of electronic applications and the latest mechanisms and solutions for network security in its integrated databases.

The effective security efforts exerted by the security and police agencies leaded by Abu Dhabi Police can address these cybercrimes with high efficiency and professionalism as they adopt techniques that continuously develop and update their abilities and financial and technological resources and upgrade the performance of their personnel. Abu Dhabi Police constantly seeks to adopt the various global technological and electronic developments in the field of combating cybercrime and cybercrime forensics with the aim of establishing experienced personnel in the information security field who will be able to address the differenttypes of cybercrimes, monitor their committers and track them quickly.

Initiative with multiple humanitarian dimensions


In the framework of enforcing the recently announced Cabinet’s Decree to change the status of violators and illegal residents in the state, the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship began to receive violators of the Law of Entry and Residency of Foreigners in the state, as part of the initiative “Protect Yourself By Changing Your Status” starting from the first of this August until the end of October, which reflects the state’s keenness to deal positively with all cases where its parties can not respond to the laws in force within the state.

Therefore, the advantage of the new initiative that it prevails the humanitarian aspect on the strict enforcement of laws, by exempting violators of fines and legal consequences resulting from their violation, provided that they do not register any criminal cases and thus enable them to change their status or leave the state with ease.

Due to the spread of such cases all over the state, ICA has equipped nine reception centers to receive such violators, which distributed between Al Shahamah and Al Dhafra in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, a center in Al Ain and Al Aweer in Dubai, as well as preparing other centers in Sharjah, Ajman, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah and Umm Al Quwain, annexed to Customer Happiness Centers related to General Directorate of Foreigners and Ports. In addition to providing a center to receive questions and queries of the public on a toll free number, which is open 24/7,

With this initiative, UAE remains proactive in taking measures that take into account the humanitarian and social conditions of the violators, thus establishing the humanitarian approach set by the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, especially that it comes at the midst of the activities commemorating his memory in his centennial.

The initiative also affirms that UAE will continue to follow his approach in the charities works and humanity serving to achieve its happiness.

The great importance of this initiative, according to the statements of beneficiaries, lies in its solving to many problems related to the violations and large fines that have made some of the violators liable to imprisonment or deprivation from travel for years, while others are under the fear of deportation outside the state and the denial of return again.

The importance of the new initiative lies not only in the exemption from fines, but also, according to ICA, that it allows the beneficiary to obtain a temporary residency without a sponsor for six months through Virtual Labor Market system that allows job seekers, employers and employment agencies to interact with each other under the supervision of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, and conclude employment contracts, and allows visitors or tourists to change their status without paying the simple departure fees of 500 dirham.

This Decree has another important significance, as it reduces the financial burdens imposed on embassies and diplomatic missions of countries whose nationals violate the laws of residency within the UAE. Therefore, the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship requested embassies to facilitate the procedures of the violators of their countries, accelerate the completion of their transactions and avoid complications, so that they can benefit from the initiative aimed primarily at taking into account their conditions, alleviating them, enabling them to change their status and living comfortably and reassuringly and benefiting from the services provided by the state to its citizens and residents”.

The Cabinet decided to grant the Citizens of the states suffering from unrest, disasters and wars a one-year residency visa, with full exemption from the residency requirements applied by the ICA, as well as exempting the violators from fines. The procedures for this category are also easy, as they can obtain such services through the electronic channels provided by ICA through the printing offices without having to visit the centers established by ICA for violators.


Tolerance is a Great Value


Tolerance is a great, humanitarian principle and value which carries noble, precious meanings, as it is a supreme moral, which mounts the throne of other values. Tolerance purifies hearts, purges souls, touches psyches, joins and unifies persons spiritually and morally, enhances the feeling of mercy, cordiality and sympathy among people, especially that the nature that Allah instilled in us as Muslims, is kind nature instructed us to be virtuous, good doers and tolerant.

Be always tolerant and generous to have the guidance of Allah in everything around you and a blessing which can’t be received except by persons who forgive and trust in Allah, since man is not appreciated by the things he owns, but by the things he grants. How beautiful to be as rain, wherever falls, it will benefit!

Nowadays, tolerance is considered to be one of the most important topics, which we must focus on, due to its essential role and positive, significant effect on our lives in light of the many troubles that come over the world and the crisis and wars whose negative effects reflected on all human beings, made the whole world in a strong need to tolerance by all mans and to show it in words and deeds. Tolerance is considered an essential to achieve the interests of all individuals and societies.

The idea of tolerance is often connected with several fields, such as social, cultural, political and religious fields because tolerance in general are involved in all aspects of life and it considers the cornerstone of building safe, peaceful societies. Religious tolerance is to live peacefully with all religions and to practice freely the religious rites away from fanaticism, in addition to cultural tolerance, freedom of expression, talking with others without violating the public ethics of talking, in addition to the racial tolerance which is to refrain from treating some races or descents with inferiority.

There is no doubt that our societies adopt dominant values based on tolerance, which boosts the coexistence and communication between individuals to shape a promising, bright future based on successful, humanitarian relationships because the civilized nations won’t make

progress or upgrade save by work, cooperation, tolerance and mutual respect, which reflects the benefits and welfare of the countries and citizens and achieves the higher objective of human, which is the construction of land, happiness of people and the good standard of thier life.

The concept of tolerance is one of the good habits and desirable characteristics, where Allah the Almighty has ordered (So overlook any human mistakes with gracious forgiveness) Surah Al-Hijr 85. It was a feature of the great prophets, and the best example for us in showing effective forgiveness, tolerance and positive coexistence among people is our noble Messenger, All Prayers and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him, and his best companions, as He advised us to exchange greetings of peace, spread tolerance, mercy and love when He said: (Forgive those who wrong you, maintain relationships with those who boycott you, give those who deprive you).

UAE is a beacon of benevolence, tolerance and giving all over the world, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said: “The most things we boost people and world are that we are a country where all human beings live with true love and true tolerance.”

Tolerance and giving are two sides of a single coin, The tolerant does not wait for reciprocity. Each of us is exposed to situations in which others may be wrong, both personally and in practice, which requires us to love all the people, whether friends or co-workers, and pardon them for their mistakes (forgive your friend, even if he slipped, as no one is perfect); This does not mean forgetting what has happened or what we have experienced, but remembering without being reprimanded and encounter abuse of charity and amnesty when able to seek excuses and overcome the mistakes of others and remember their advantages and not focus on their shortcomings or exclusion simply because there is a difference with them.

The person who has the ability to tolerate and make good work is a person with a rational mind and balanced in his personality and deal with others because the most rational people excuse people.

Finally… The more you give the more people love you, forgive those who attack, keep away from their abuse, and make tolerance your way of life and daily behavior.

Year of Giving


A “Year of Charity” is a three-word brief statement, but full of noble meanings inside, with which we start our new year to make it a year of giving, philanthropy, mutual solidarity and compassion. These notions are well-received by the Emirati society as they are typical of human nature and a way to achieve Allah’s satisfaction without waiting for a reward or thank-you messages from others. Giving is an act that puts a high value on man and helps spread love and rapport among society members, clear the hearts and remove hatred.

By declaring 2017 as a “Year of Giving,” our visionary leadership encourages all of us to give as much as we can. Charity is never underestimated as Allah will reward you for any little deed of kindness, not to mention the case with any greater deeds. Charity is a great value cherished by each wise nation, divine religion or world philosophy. It is all about how much man can help all the poor and underprivileged people, who experience hard times, and bring joy to their hearts.

There are many ways of giving such as volunteering, supporting and taking care of orphans, helping the poor, removing something harmful from the path, relieving the pains of the victims, establishing cooperation and solidarity in the society, providing advice, talking nicely to others, visiting relatives, seeking knowledge for humanity, and showing fortitude in disasters.

All religions and divine messages urge us to pay special attention to giving and find a special space for it in our life according to our respective financial and moral abilities. This includes our wishes of welfare, wellbeing, speedy recovery and good luck for others.

We should follow the lead of and learn from the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah rest his soul in peace, who made the UAE the beacon of giving, philanthropy and humanitarian support all over the world. He did never hesitate to help the weak people and relieve the pains of disaster victims; an approach that has been followed by our visionary leadership in bringing giving and philanthropy to all the parts of the world.

I have no doubt that giving will promote social and economic security as it is conducive to cooperation as four hands are better than two and what can be difficult for one person can be easy for a group of people. So, we should all adopt giving as a lifestyle to ensure solidarity between our people and enable them to help the needy, support the poor and relieve the pains of the victims. Thus, we can establish peace and comfort in our society.

I pray to Allah to keep the welfare of the people and leadership of UAE, as they are really the best example for charity and to protect this visionary leadership.

Not just a card


Sometimes, I follow up reports of our local newspapers that reveal how people (citizens and expatriates) underestimate the ID card. For this reason, the Emirates ID Authority should go ahead with its campaigns to tell the ID users how to make the optimal use of such highly important card and how to protect it from any abuse by people with bad or criminal intentions.

Many see this critical card as just a paid tool to complete the requirements of visa for residents or a transaction in one place or another. This is obviously reflected in the large numbers of the ID cards left at the Emirates Post offices waiting for the cardholders to pick them up.
People may promptly report to the bank that they have lost their ATM or credit cards or report lost passports but they may be less interested or slow when they lost their ID cards.

Here I will discuss this issue in light of the increasing number of ID card abuse cases where phone numbers were extracted and mobile phones or other items were purchased using the lost or stolen cards.
Perhaps, the most dangerous crime is that when such cards and documents are used to obtain bank loans and credit facilities. The cardholder will not know about these transactions until he/ she suddenly faces a flow of claims and calls from everywhere.

The revealed cases showed that criminals have been assisted by employees who work for such institutions such as the case of an operating bank and a major telecommunications company.
Along with our calls for intensifying awareness campaigns to persuade the public to keep and protect their ID cards, the Emirates ID Authority is also urged to raise the level of security in the ID card, given the Authority’s long experience in innovation and advanced technology. Any transaction completed using the ID card should be reported to the cardholder by an SMS. Temporary freeze should also be available to prevent the use of the card after it has been reported to be lost. There are many advanced technologies that the Emirates ID Authority knows better and can apply them to enhance ID card security. However, it is still the responsibility of the cardholder to prevent the ID card from going to the wrong hands that can use it for criminal purposes. When we provide a copy of the ID card, we should sign it indicating that the copy has been submitted by us for a specific transaction.




The nation represents one of the most precious treasures in which humans take pride. It is the cradle of childhood, the path leading our steps, the place of youth, the refuge of old age, the source of all memories, the spotlight of our lives, the homeland of our ancestors and the haven of our descendants.  (Quoted)

A person without a nation is a person without an identity, a past or a future. Our love for the nation is irreplaceable; it is the land of our fathers and forefathers; the land of virtue, blessings, generosity and purity.

Patriotism is linked to faith in God and in the nation. It is a word of truth in its meaning and its form. The nation is a symbol of loyalty to the land. It is the place where we were born, where we lived and where we grew up and sought refuge, eating its crops, drinking its water and breathing its air. No matter how far we go, due to life’s circumstances and concerns, for some reason or other, there will always be an urge to go back. Our roots are embedded in its soil. Our affiliation and loyalty is infinite and never perishes, as the poet said:

If I abandoned my nation       My soul would scold me

The nation is a word with simple letters and great meanings. It cannot be expressed in words. It is not just a tale, or uttered words written in a beautiful style. It is one of the most significant blessings offered by God. Therefore, it is our duty to protect it, defend it and sacrifice our most precious belongings for the sake of our nation. We also have to work hand in hand to maintain its safety and resilience.

Our love for our nation is just like the love of a mother who cares for her children’s welfare and comfort. She rejoices when they are happy; is saddened when they are sad and suffers when they suffer. She constantly seeks to reunite them and is keen on maintaining their union and solidarity through thick and thin. She urges them to assist each other. She asks the strongest among them to help the weakest, and the oldest to help the youngest, so that they live as loving brothers, collaborating in righteousness and piety, in one nation and one land, just as the Prophet said, peace be upon him (A believer is for a believer as a structure, each supporting the other).

The nation is the greatest united family providing warmth for its members. It is the shelter and the place where we find security, safety, tranquility, freedom and peace of mind. It is a source of goodness and generosity for all its sons, without exception or discrimination. The nation is a great blessing and it is our duty to preserve its soil and its land by interdependence and cohesion, as well as by instilling noble values ​​in the hearts of citizens. My nation is the homeland embracing the past and present in a never-ending love and a boundless generosity.

Needless to say, harmony, love, altruism and sacrifice are good traits given by God to enable us to co-exist with others in the homeland. Patriotism is the most significant, the most beautiful and the most wonderful kind of love. Nothing transcends this cohesion between the nation and its people. The nation is a word that touched our souls and our consciences before our bodies. The love of leadership for the people is the most evident sign and the strongest manifestation of this cohesion.

Late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God have mercy on him said (that wealth is not money wealth, but the wealth of men as they are; the true real power that we are proud of. This is the plant that provides us with shade. The conviction of this truth is the reason why we were able to direct all our efforts to developing people and dedicating the wealth that Allah graced us with to serve the people of this country in order to enable them to fulfill their tremendous responsibilities and be the support that helps us and our brothers).

His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan said that (Our basic objective in the UAE is to build the nation and the citizen. The bulk of the country’s income is harnessed to make up for what we missed and catch up with the developed nations that have preceded us, in an attempt to build our country).

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said that (The unique heroic relationship between the leadership of the UAE and its people has been and remains one of the secrets of all the successes that have been achieved on the territory of our state. We cherish our past and are proud of our present. We also head towards our future with certainty, awareness, a genuine determination, a relentless willpower and endless efforts).

Nothing can be further added to these wise words about the importance of coherence and cohesion between the leadership and the people in a nation ruled by leaders having a great heart and wisdom in words and actions. In our turn, we have to do everything in our power, with all possible strengths and efforts given to us by God, in order to preserve its assets, resources and structures, protect them from damage, respect its laws and regulations that are first and foremost in the interest of its citizens and be effective elements in building and promoting the nation to always be one of the leading countries in terms of progress and prosperity.

The principle of patriotism cannot be denied; neither by the mind nor by the heart. The nation is not an accent, a nationality or a law to which we adhere. It is higher than all those expressions. And since homeland is a great blessing, we have to preserve its soil and its land by interdependence, cohesion as well as by instilling noble values ​​in the hearts of its citizens.

It is the duty of all of us to root the love of the nation and to instill it in the hearts of our children starting from an early age. They represent the future generation, the generation of the strong future with its religion, culture, customs and traditions conveyed by fathers and forefathers. This generation is the cornerstone to build this country and adhere to values ​​and to the true Islamic religion which urges us to love our nation, to love working, to learn devotion, solidarity, interdependence and to help vulnerable people everywhere.

The Prophet sets a good example for us. Patriotism is not accidental. It is an innate value bestowed by the Almighty upon all humans of all races, species and natures.

Since the nation is so valuable, we have to reciprocate in various fields. The biggest duty is to sacrifice our blood for the sake of the nation and to maintain its freedom, stability, security and safety at all costs, confronting everyone who tries to hamper its prosperity and welfare.

We shall never forget the martyrs who sacrificed their lives and their bodies for the sake of its victory and glory. In return, they received a place in the highest paradise as said in the holy verse (And reckon not those who are killed in Allah’s way as dead; they are alive and are provided sustenance).

A tribute of pride and glory is paid to our pure and virtuous martyrs. The homeland shall always be united, with its leaders and its people, with love and loyalty to our beloved nation Emirates, under a great leadership that we are proud of. We sincerely pray to God to protect our governors and our nation at all times.

Last updated on: November 12, 2020 /